This waiver/agreement is to be accepted on behalf of the signee as well as their family unit/those helping them integrate these concepts, perform these exercises/play and construct these devices. 

Medical & Physical Movements

This information is presented as Education and Information only. This information is neither healthcare advice nor designed to treat, diagnose, heal, replace medical attention, treatment or qualified diagnosis. The children appearing in this video are in good health, are not impaired in any way nor do they possess any extenuating circumstances in their functioning. The movements presented in this video are for such children. Also, the movements here are specific to the age children presented. Therefore, if your child has movement difficulties or impairment, functional limitations related to age, development or ability, then the recommendations are not for you or your child. You should seek medical attention of your choosing and get specific individual care. If your child or adult are exhibiting emergency symptoms, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. The information here is designed to compliment care, not replace care. If you are unsure of what your child needs, or unaware of what is appropriate for your child's development, please do not attempt the recommendations here and seek qualified medical care. Use the encouragement and empowerment to seek what is available to you locally. Freely Rooted, LLC and affiliated partners assume no liability for the inappropriate or misapplied application of information contained in this video.

Course students, hereby acknowledge and understand that physical exercise, including but not limited to cardiovascular workouts, strength training, and other forms of physical activity, involve inherent risks and hazards, including the risk of injury, illness, or even death. I am voluntarily participating in physical activities taught by Freely Rooted LLC and understand and accept these risks. By signing this waiver, I hereby confirm the following: I am aware of my own physical condition and have consulted with a medical professional to ensure that I am physically fit to engage in the physical activities in the Rooted Families Course. I assume all risks associated with my participation, including but not limited to muscle strains, sprains, fractures, heart attacks, and other medical issues. I release the Freely Rooted LLC, its affiliates, and agents from any and all liability for any injuries, damages, or losses that I may sustain while participating in physical activities associated with the course. I understand that this waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by applicable laws and that if any provision is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be in full force and effect. I agree that this waiver shall be binding on my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives. I have read this waiver carefully and understand its contents. I voluntarily sign this waiver, acknowledging that I am assuming all risks associated with my participation in physical activities at the Facility and that I am doing so at my own risk.

Play & Play Structure

**Disclaimer for the Use of Elevated Playground and Play Equipment** Rooted Families and Freely Rooted LLC provides this disclaimer to inform users of elevated playgrounds and play equipment ("Equipment") that their use is subject to certain risks and responsibilities. By allowing your children or yourself to use the Equipment, you acknowledge and accept the following terms and conditions: 

 1. **Assumption of Risk:** The use of elevated playgrounds and play equipment inherently involves risks of injury or accidents, especially when used at heights. You understand and accept that any injuries or damages that may occur while using the Equipment are your own responsibility, and Rooted Families is not liable for any such occurrences. 

 2. **Supervision:** It is essential to ensure that children are under adult supervision at all times while using the Equipment, especially when it is elevated. The presence of a responsible adult is necessary to monitor safe play and to provide immediate assistance in case of an emergency.  

3. **Proper Use:** Users must adhere to all safety guidelines and rules posted at the playground or provided by the Equipment manufacturer. Proper use of the Equipment is crucial to minimizing the risk of injuries, particularly when the play equipment is elevated.  

4. **Age-Appropriate Play:** Ensure that children are using age-appropriate play equipment, especially when elevated. Young children should use equipment designed for their age group to prevent accidents at elevated heights. 

 5. **Maintenance:** Regularly inspect the Equipment for wear and tear, damage, or hazards, especially when it is elevated. Report any issues to the appropriate authorities or property owner. Do not use Equipment that appears to be damaged or unsafe, particularly at elevated heights.

6. **Exclusion of Warranty:** Rooted Families makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the safety or condition of the Equipment. The Equipment is used "as is," and you assume all risks associated with its use, especially when elevated. 

 7. **Indemnification:** You agree to indemnify and hold Rooted Families, its officers, employees, and affiliates harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising from the use of the play structure or any associated elements described in the course. 

8. **Intellectual Property** You acknowledge that the concepts and information contained within the course materials are non-reproducable and are not to be duplicated or rendered on social media, other courses or other forms of communication. 


 1. **User-Provided Tools:** You acknowledge that you are using your own power tools for the construction of a play structure and that these tools are not provided by Rooted Families. 

 2. **Assumption of Risk:** You understand and accept that the use of power tools and the construction of play structures inherently involve risks of injury or damage. Any injuries or damages that may occur during this process are your sole responsibility, and Rooted Families is not liable for any such occurrences. 

 3. **Proper Use and Safety:** You are responsible for using the power tools safely and in accordance with all safety guidelines, user manuals, and applicable laws and regulations. You should also ensure that the construction of the play structure complies with safety standards. 

 4. **Training and Expertise:** You must have the necessary skills, training, and expertise to operate the power tools and construct the play structure safely. Seek professional guidance or training if you are unfamiliar with the tools or construction methods. 

 5. **Indemnification:** You agree to indemnify and hold Rooted Families/Freely Rooted LLC, its officers, employees, and affiliates harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising from the use of power tools and the construction of the play structure. 

 6. **Legal Compliance:** Ensure that you comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations related to construction, safety, and environmental standards. By proceeding with the construction of a play structure using your own tools, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, you should refrain from using your own tools for play structure construction. Rooted Families is not responsible for any injuries or damages associated with this process.